A- Approving the association's work plans, including the strategic and executive plans, and other major plans, while overseeing their implementation.
B- Conducting periodic reviews and approving the association’s organizational and functional structures.
C- Establishing internal control systems, supervising them, and conducting periodic reviews to ensure their effectiveness.
D- Developing governance principles and standards for the association that comply with the system, executive regulations, and bylaws, overseeing their implementation, monitoring their effectiveness, and amending them as needed.
E- Opening bank accounts with Saudi banks, handling checks, disbursement authorizations, account statements, activating accounts, closing, reconciling, updating data, disputing checks, and handling returned checks, among other banking operations.
F- Registering and transferring real estate, accepting wills, endowments, and donations, merging, subdividing, and updating property deeds, converting agricultural land into residential land, and undertaking actions that benefit the association with the General Assembly’s approval.
G- Developing the association’s financial resources and ensuring its sustainability.
H- Managing the association’s assets and funds.
I- Preparing rules for investing surplus funds and activating them after obtaining approval from the center.
J- Developing a written policy to regulate relationships with the association's beneficiaries, ensuring proper care and publicly announcing it.
K- Assisting in preparing periodic and annual reports on the association and submitting them to the center.
L- Periodically updating the association's data and submitting it to the center according to approved forms.
M- Providing the center with the audited financial statements and financial reports, approved by the General Assembly, within four months of the fiscal year-end.
N- Supervising the preparation and approval of the association's annual report.
O- Overseeing the preparation of the estimated budget for the new fiscal year and submitting it to the General Assembly for approval.
P- Appointing a dedicated Executive Director for the association, defining their responsibilities and powers, and providing the center with their name, appointment decision, national ID copy, and contact information.
Q- Appointing senior staff in the association and defining their powers and responsibilities.
R- Informing the center of any changes to the status of General Assembly members, the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or the Financial Manager within a month of the change.
S- Developing policies and procedures to ensure the association's compliance with regulations and disclosing key information to beneficiaries, the center, the supervising authority, and stakeholders. This includes publishing the financial and administrative reports on the association's website.
T- Overseeing the implementation of decisions and instructions from the General Assembly, external auditors, the center, or the supervising authority.
U- Establishing procedures to obtain approvals from the center or supervising authority for any action requiring it.
V- Ensuring the collection of the association's rights, meeting its obligations, and issuing the necessary decisions regarding them.
W- Promoting the association and highlighting its goals and activities within relevant circles.
X- Accepting memberships of all types and providing justification for rejections.
Y- Calling for General Assembly meetings.
Z- Setting the rules and procedures for organizing committees, coordinating their work, and obtaining approval from the General Assembly.
AA- Performing any other tasks assigned by the General Assembly, the center, or the supervising authority within its scope of responsibility.
1-The Board's decisions are made by a majority vote of those present. If votes are tied, the president's vote is decisive.
2-Meeting minutes and decisions must be recorded and signed by all attending members.
3-The Board may authorize the president, vice president, and financial supervisor to jointly carry out financial responsibilities. It may also form permanent or temporary committees, including external members, to handle assigned tasks and delegate powers to the president or another member..
4-The Board must authorize the president, vice president, or a designated representative to act on behalf of the association before ministries, courts, governmental, and private entities, specifying their powers and whether they can delegate others.
5-The Board may buy or sell the association's real estate properties with the approval of the General Assembly.